mire-poix [mir-pwah] noun

The holy trinity in French cooking: onions, carrots and celery.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mancakes for the BF

Ladies, here's an idea for Valentine's day. Have fun this year and get your guy some Mancakes! They are literally cupcakes beefed up with manly flavours such as, beer, bacon, or booze. You can choose from four different flavours at For the Love of Cake, your guy can enjoy Stout Spice (flavoured with Guinness), Maple Bacon, Guinness Chocolate and Black Forest (spiked with Kirsch).

I don't know about the bacon, but I definitely want to try these Mancakes.

Picture: Maple Bacon and Guinness Chocolate.

Booze flavoured cupcakes remind me of this Super Bowl ad. Beer Doritos. Enjoy!

Video cred: my BF Daniel.

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