mire-poix [mir-pwah] noun

The holy trinity in French cooking: onions, carrots and celery.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The power of Twitter after the Chile earthquake

A woman was able to track down her missing sister-in-law thanks to the help of a fellow tweep in Chile. Read full story here.

It just shows that when it comes to social media, there are no barriers or limits. All Sheryl Breuker did was tweet about her missing sister-in-law, Maria Alicia Moya, with hash tags (#Chile #quake) and the response she received was incredible. Within two hours, she was able to locate Moya and was relieved that she was safe. Breuker's tweet connected her with someone from Chile who was close enough to go her family's address to check up on Moya. We already witnessed the huge role social media has played to raise funds for Haiti, but this is just on another level.

When Dave Fleet came to speak to our PR Writing class last semester, he talked about the importance of social media. He then went on and talked about using Twitter as an effective communications tool and that one person can reach a lot of people. For example, he tweeted one question and over the course of 10 hours he received 46 replies on Twitter. This further demonstrates the power of social media because you can reach out to millions of people through just one channel.

What an amazing story! I am awed by the power of Twitter.

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