mire-poix [mir-pwah] noun

The holy trinity in French cooking: onions, carrots and celery.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


I went to Ame with a couple foodies last night for dinner and I am STILL thinking about the Wagyu Beef Short Ribs.

Look at this beauty. Mouthwatering, falling off the bone deliciousness.

Another favourite dish of the evening was the Miso Black Cod. Whenever I try a new restaurant and cod is on the menu, I always feel the need to give it a try. This was sweet and buttery, so delish!

The next stop will most likely be Ruby Watchco, Lynn Crawford's new restaurant. Stay tuned for more eating adventures.



  1. I heard from a friend Ruby Watchco was amazing!

  2. I am excited to try it out! Love that they have daily menus
