mire-poix [mir-pwah] noun

The holy trinity in French cooking: onions, carrots and celery.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Claire Robinson is kitchen chic

For those of you who know me very well, you know that I watch the Food Network religiously. A few of my favourite shows are Giada at Home, Jamie at Home, Barefoot Contessa, Chuck's Day Off, French Food at Home, Top Chef, The F Word and the list goes on. Recently, I have discovered a new love, 5 Ingredient Fix with Claire Robinson. Her show features recipes that can be prepared easily with five ingredients or less. I was hooked on the show immediately. I mean she is unpretentious, down-to-earth and stylish. What's not to like?

Now from a PR standpoint, I would like to suggest a few things to Claire, who I believe has the potential to become a huge celebrity chef/TV personality. First of all, maintain an updated blog! Your fans want to know more about you and what you are up to. Next, write a cookbook and go on a book tour. The exposure may give you more air time on the Food Network. Also, this is not related to PR, but I believe you are starting up a store called Robinson-Craig and I have a personal request. Please have your rocker stud embellished aprons (see picture) available for purchase because I would like to own one.


  1. Oh wow, I had NO idea you liked the food network as much as me. (It's like we're twins.)

  2. Let me know if you're getting the apron. I would love to own one too..Studs fetish lately *shrugs haha

  3. Thanks for being my only 2 comments!

  4. ...u can add me to the stalker list, lol
