mire-poix [mir-pwah] noun

The holy trinity in French cooking: onions, carrots and celery.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


My brother did some spring cleaning last night and found a children's blazer buried in his closet. He last wore this blazer when he was eight years old for special occasions. He also found a collection of bow ties, my mom really knew her stuff. He showed me the blazer right away and I instantly fell in love with the cut and the buttons. He told me to try it on for fun and I am glad he did because it is now my favourite blazer.

One man's trash is another girl's treasure.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Watermelon Granita


cups (1 3/4 pounds) cubed seedless watermelon (from a 4-lb. melon)
cup sugar (I only used 1/4 cup because my watermelon was s
uper sweet)
tablespoon fresh lime juice


Purée all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Pour into a 9x9x2" metal baking pan. Freeze mixture for 1 hour. Stir, mashing any frozen parts with the back of a fork. Cover and freeze mixture until firm, about 2 hours. Using a fork, scrape granita vigorously to form icy flakes

Two hours later et voilà, the granita is ready!

I always try to make my food look pretty and presentable, but clearly my friends could not wait to dig in. We finished the watermelon granita in 15 minutes. Success :)

Recipe via Bon Appetit Magazine
